Sport Organizational Development

Local, regional, provincial and national sport and recreation organizations have unique needs. They must balance competitive excellence with coaching development, athlete engagement and sport marketing to attract athletes and volunteers. Pressure from other national organizations such as the coaching association, Sport Canada and agencies such as the the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports will produce guidelines which require sport specific implementation. Parents of young athletes have expectations of fairness, transparency and good governance.

The Youldon Group has experience in Sport Organization governance and in aligning programs with national initiatives such as LTAD and Coaching Association of Canada guidelines for coaching certification.

We can help with the following:

  • Defining volunteer board roles and responsibilities
  • Coaching selection methods
  • Board team-building and organizational planning
  • Coaching development forums as part of continuous improvement and organizational learning
  • Organizational “town halls” with key stakeholders – parents, athletes, other sport governing organizations to address key issues and to improve transparency and engagement.

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  •  Contact us to get your organization, working well together.